torsdag, november 18, 2010

Under all tid jag varit medlem på fejan har jag fått två roliga utmaningar....

...det här är en av dem.
Hey, jag är musiknörd, jag kan inte hjälpa det!


Once you've been tagged...
(1) Turn on your mp3-player or your music player on your computer.
(2) Go to shuffle songs mode.
(3) Write down the first fifteen songs that come up --song title and artist-- NO editing/cheating please.
(4) Choose 25 people to be tagged. It is generally in good taste to tag the person that tagged you.

  • I melt with you  - Modern English
  • Your Protector - Fleet Foxes
  • You told a lie - Camera Obscura
  • Crystalised - XX
  • Seeds of night - The Cave Singers
  • A night in - Tindersticks
  • Such a common bird - Wendy McNeill
  • Shine like stars - Primal Scream
  • Homesick - Kings of Convenience
  • Heartbeats - The Knife
  • This is the one - The Stone Roses
  • All is Love - Karen O And The Kids (Where the wild things are OST)
  • Femme Fatale - Velvet Underground
  • I don't know what I can save you from - Kings of Convenience (Röyksopp Remix)
  • Girlfriend in a coma - The Smiths

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